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New Year Countdown

Regular price $2.50

Welcome to the New Year Countdown! This exciting sheet allows you to countdown the month of December in anticipation of the new year.

The New Year Countdown is perfect for anyone who wants to get excited about the new year and make the most of their holiday season.

The New Year Countdown is easy to use – simply cross off one day at a time until there are only 31 days left in December.

As you countdown, you can reflect on your year and set your intentions for the new one.

On New Year's Eve, you'll be ready to ring in the new year with a clean slate and a fresh start.

The New Year Countdown is a great way to get organized and reflect on your goals for the new year.

It's also a fun way to countdown the days until Christmas. Give the gift of reflection and intention setting this holiday season with the New Year Countdown.

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